Join 4-H

4-H…Head, Heart, Hands, Health

  • …is a youth organization of boys and girls sharing, doing, and learning together in all kinds of projects, events, and activities.  4-H members are guided by volunteer adult leaders, parents, and UW Extension staff.  Members choose projects that fit their personal interests.  Both rural and urban youth enjoy the merits of the 4-H program.  Families enjoy the meaningful time together through a variety of events.
  • …is open to all boys and girls, kindergarten through one year past high school graduation.  4-H is open to all youth, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or ability.
  • … has a small membership fee, which varies from club to club and nominal charges for project literature and special activities which help pay for food, transportation, or supplies.
  • …is a non-profit organization.


There are 10 4-H clubs in Monroe County. The Monroe County Club directory is also available online. It will include the club name, general leader’s name and the meeting time and place.

Although not required, we recommend that you join a club in the area in which you live. You may join a 4-H club as a new member any time during the year. To show at the fair for that year as a new member, you must be registered with a club by April 1st of that year. See the link below for the Monroe County 4-H New Member Brochure, or contact the Monroe County Extension Office to receive a new member packet.

Go Green with Monroe County 4-H brochure

General Leaders List

Ages of Enrollment

REGULAR MEMBERS: Are in third grade through the year following high school graduation.

CLOVERBUDS: Are in kindergarten or first grade participating in an introductory 4-H program. They can be a part of a 4-H club but are given slightly limited opportunities for county competition.

EXPLORERS: Are in second grade participating in an introductory 4-H program. They have a few more opportunities than Cloverbuds, but not quite as many as a regular 4-H member.

Enrollment Deadlines

September 1: 4H Online Enrollment is opened to begin the enrollment process 4HOnline.

November 15:  All re-enrolling members and adults should have completed their enrollment.

December 31: Last date for all re-enrolling members to have completed their enrollment.

April 1: Absolutely no additional projects added after this date.

Please be aware that there is a charge for certain project literature regardless of enrollment dates.

Enrolling in 4-H is simple! To receive an enrollment packet contact the office at (608) 269-8722 or email If emailing be sure to include:

  1. Name
  2. Address
  3. How many youth are interested in joining
  4. ENROLLMENT PACKET in the subject line

Expectations of Members

  • Attend all planned activities.
  • Participate in supplemental activities planned.
  • Behave in ways acceptable to other participants and chaperones.
  • Be responsible for own property.
  • Respect public and personal property.
  • Be financially liable for any damage caused to public or personal property beyond reasonable wear and tear.
  • Abide by all quiet hours and curfew times established in writing by chaperone’s spoken word.
  • Respect the privacy of others. Visiting sleeping areas/rooms of any member of the opposite gender is forbidden.
  • Use good judgment in selecting clothing appropriate for weather and occasion, abiding by any established dress code. Clothing that is revealing or with obscene language/pictures or with drug, tobacco or alcohol advertising is never allowed.

Expectations of Parents

  • Be a good example for youth!
  • Help to select the right project for your child and provide any financial aid necessary.
  • Help members with their projects at home and by giving encouragement.
  • Keep an up-to-date calendar of activities for both club and county.
  • Ask questions of leaders.
  • Read the 4-H Cloverlink Newsletter.
  • Encourage your 4-H members to set and follow through on goals and projects.
  • Keep 4-H a family activity.
  • Encourage completion of projects.
  • Help youth set standards of sportsmanship and honesty.
  • Help your children get their projects to fair and pick them up.
  • Help member is they are elected to office to understand their responsibilities and role.
  • Encourage members to attend club meetings, project meetings and all other 4-H events.
  • Help in fund raising events.
  • Remind member to behave appropriately at all 4-H events.
  • Volunteer your services as a leader or to give assistance when needed.
  • See that member’s dues are paid.
  • Attend club meetings.

More Information

For additional information about joining Monroe County 4-H please contact the Monroe County Extension Office at 608-269-8722.

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