2024 Photo Contest

We’re trying something new this year, our top photographs will be put on greeting cards! The cards will have our top photographs on the cover and will be blank on the inside to write your own personal message. Have you taken an awesome photo this year? It’s easy to enter, just follow these rules for submission:

· Each member may submit one photo in each category – farm animals, birds, sunsets/landscapes, flowers & pets

· No photos of people

· Be the work of the youth member willing to sign a release

· Send pictures to vicky.kast@wisc.edu. Please name the picture with your first and last name and the category. (call the office if you have any issues sending the pictures)

· Submit by July 15, 2024

Look for the display at the fair near the Photography Department to vote on your favorite! Top photographs will be made into greeting cards. Watch your newsletter and the UW Monroe website to see the top photos and where to purchase the cards. 

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