4-H Events
4-H offers a wide variety of national, state, and county programs and opportunities for youth. No matter what your interests are, there are programs/ events available for you to participate in. Please see the following links that share some of the events that are offered (these events are broken down into three different sections based on when the event takes place in the 4-H year).
4-H Calendar – Calendar View **NEW**
September- December Events: This is the beginning of our new 4- H year with new members enrolling and current 4-H members re-enrolling and thinking about the project areas they are interested in participating in! This is also a time where we honor and recognize our 4-H leaders and volunteers for the work they do with the 4-H youth and organization. 4-H youth participated in many different 4-H projects throughout the 4-H year and with a new year starting, it is a time for youth to reflect back upon those 4-H projects by completing a record book.
January- April Events: With it being the middle of the winter, it is a great time of year to work with others or as an individual to prepare a musical, drama, art, craft, photography, or marketing selection to present the Festival of Arts. Cloverbuds also have the opportunity to spend one of those cold winter days participating in fun and educational sessions in 6 different areas: arts and crafts, nutrition, animals science, mechanical science, recreation activities, and natural science. Space Camp, National 4-H Conference, and the Junior Leaders Lock- In are also just a few of the opportunities also available to some of our older 4-H members.
May- August Events: Summer camps, boys and girls science day, Jr. Leader Road Trip, 3rd– 6th grade road trip, clothing preview, foods revue, and the highlight for many youth of the summer and 4-H, the Monroe County Fair. These are just a few of the events that youth get to participate in during this time of the year.
Out of County Opportunities: There are a wide variety of programs or events offered in surrounding counties. Please use the link to take you to listing of events that youth from Monroe County have been invited to attend.