Mindful Movement for Mental Wellness

According to Mental Health America, while 1 in 5 people experience a mental illness during their lifetime, everyone faces challenges in life that can impact their mental health. Each year during May we highlight the importance of mental health in every aspect of our lives and our communities.   In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, […]

Conversations About Children’s Immunization

The University of WI-Madison Division of Extension Health Communications State Outreach Specialists are recruiting participants for a Wisconsin Idea Collaboration Grant in partnership with UW-Madison’s Department of Community and Environmental Sociology. The study is called “Wisconsin Immunization Hesitancy: exploring approaches in Rural Parents” or WI HEAR Parents for short. Our goal for this research project […]

September is National Fruits & Vegetables Month

To celebrate National Fruits and Vegetables Month UW-Madison Division of Extension in Monroe County invites children and their families to participate with our MyPlate Bingo activity! This activity will take place for the entire month of September. Throughout the month circle the fruits and vegetables you eat on the provided MyPlate bingo card. If you […]

Aging Mastery Program

The gift of time, what will you do with it? The Aging Mastery Program® (AMP), developed by the National Council on Aging is a nationwide program whose core philosophy believes modest lifestyle changes can produce big results, leading to improved health, stronger economic security, and overall well-being. UW-Madison Division of Extension, in partnership with Monroe County ADRC are excited […]

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