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4-H Summer Camps

Summer is a great time for youth to attend a number of different summer camps offered through Upham Woods or in conjunction between Monroe / La Crosse County. Studies show that going to summer camp helps youth grow in areas of self- confidence, independence, making friends, exploring, and learning new activities. Providing students with this adventure has many great benefits that they will carry with them well into adulthood. Please click the links below for more specific information.
- Summer Camp is held in the summer for 4 days, 3 nights (tentatively) at Upham Woods 4-H Camp near Wisconsin Dells. Summer camp is designed for youth in 3rd – 6th grade. Please see the following summer camp info link to learn more about the summer camp opportunities available to 4-H youth.
- Outpost Experience is an option for older campers in grades 5-8.
- Camp Counseling- Going to camp would not be the same without youth camp counselors! This is a great leadership opportunity for members in grades 9-12.
- Clover Camp- Kindergarten through second grade youth come together from across the county to participate in science experiments, STEM, arts and crafts, and recreational activities. The dates for Clover Camp have not been set yet. Look for more information in the June Cloverlink!
Boys and Girls Science Day Camps- A science day camp offered just for girls in 3rd– 6th grade and another science day camp offered just for boys in 3rd– 6th grade! Opportunities are provided to both the boys and girls to learn more about the science around them while gaining life skills and participating in exciting experiments. Dates are yet to be determined. Stay tuned!
3-6th grade Road Trip- Youth in grades 3-6 are provided with the opportunity to travel to certain parts of Wisconsin learning about our rich state history, heritage, and culture and some of Wisconsin’s industries. The dates for this road trip have yet to be determined. Stay tuned! If you have ideas for places, please contact our Extension Office at 608-269-8722 or jason.hornickel@wisc.edu.
Clothing Preview – Members enrolled in the clothing project can enter this event. Judging is held in June and the style show is held at the Monroe County Fair in July. Members sew garments for this event and then model them.
Foods Revue –Youth enrolled in the foods project can enter the Foods Revue. Participants prepare food items based upon project and grade level. Event is complete with table setting, menu and face-to-face judging; can choose to enter the poster or mini-booth categories. Participants who use three or more dairy products to prepare their food items may be selected for dairy promotion awards.
Food Stand – Members in grades 3rd – 13th volunteer in the food stand for the Tractor Pull and Monroe County Fair.

Monroe County Fair– A highlight every year where 4-H members have the opportunity to exhibit and display their project work. The purpose of the fair, however, is for judges to provide valuable evaluations to exhibitors as to how their projects could be improved.
State Level Events: State 4-H & Youth Conference and Citizenship and Washington Focus